Industrial telephone system is a system consisting of the central commutation equipment and specially designed telephones in protection housings. As a rule this is weatherproof or explosion proof telephones that can be used at industrial plants, such as oil and gas, petrochemical, steel, power plants, as well as at transport infrastructure, including tunnels, airports and highways.

Industrial telephones are produced in accordance with high requirements to the equipment reliability and sustainability. They must have robust construction, be resistant to high levels of temperature, humidity and dust, electrical interferences and chemical substances or vapors.

Industrial telephony expression sometimes includes emergency or hotline telephone system. The difference between industrial telephone system and emergency or hotline telephone system is that the first one is used during normal everyday operation of the plant while the second one is specially allocated for non-standard situations or emergencies where any delay with actions can lead to significant material expenses or even casualties. As delay caused by the correct number recalling or searching and its dialing is unacceptable, emergency or hotline telephones are equipped with 1-2 direct keys for connection with central control room and the emergency alarm activation.

Additionally, these telephones are constantly monitored by the central exchange equipment to ensure the proper work of the terminal devices.
In crowded places, such as airports, metro or railway stations or on highways, where it is difficult to find any help in case of urgent need, there are information pillars installed to help people to get the required information in automatic mode or from communication with central dispatcher or request for help in case of emergency situation.

Premier Trading is dealing with emergency telephones and information pillars manufacturers with multiyear experience in such systems installation all over the world. We offer equipment for any kind of industrial or transport application, in different protection housings depending on the installation conditions and working on analogue, VoIP or wireless networks.